
government Affairs

Grassroots legislative and regulatory operations Done Right

From knocking on doors to committee hearings, Solidarity Partners will find creative avenues to accomplish your legislative or regulatory goals. Our team can help your group or organization achieve government affairs success through the following avenues:

  • Critical political insight and strategizing to identify your allies and opposition

  • Letter writing campaigns to convince legislators that your position is supported by the community

  • Organized and coordinated legislative “days on the hill” to raise awareness and put pressure on lawmakers

  • Hard-to-get meetings with Governor’s office staff and other key regulatory decision makers

  • Grassroots campaigns for regulation commenting

  • Outreach, negotiation, and bargaining for coalition building

  • Protest, march, and social disruption organizing

Fee Structure:

The Denver Foundation states that an average range for nonprofit consultants is $75 - $175/hour. Consultants who work mostly with corporations or very large nonprofits may have rates as much as $250/hour or higher.

Solidarity Partners HOURLY RATE:


*A limited number of sliding scale & pro bono clients are available

Contact us at:


phone: 720-446-8203