My 2018

2018 Was an Interesting year for me. Here’s my breakdown.

Overall Score: 7/10

Year Rank: 11th out of 32

2018 Mindstate:

  • In 2018 I thought more about my place in the world, and ultimately my mortality, more than any other year. As a result, I spent a lot of time evaluating how I am going to manage my experiences for the rest of my time on Earth. I think 2018 was the first year I thought about all that, or at least the first time I thought about it that much and that intently. Whereas my thoughts in 2017 were more about connecting with my purpose & identifying how I can maximize the meaning in my life, my thoughts in 2018 were more about managing and planning out that purpose & meaning. This helped me get the most out of my 2018 in many ways.

2018 Notable Events:

  • I think I committed more time to my friends & family in 2018 than any year since my early childhood. I was very focused on spending meaningful time with those I love the most, and spent extensive time visiting NY, CT, NJ, PA, MD, DC, NM, and FL; and some even visited me in Colorado. I also was in the wedding party for my dear friend Lee.

  • I lost a loved one to a Fentanyl drug poisoning. Words can’t describe this loss. But I am now donating my money and energy to drug policy reform and harm prevention efforts in the US. I am determined to make a positive impact in this field, in the name of my lost loved one.

  • I went to Africa for the first time, and Europe for the 4th time.

  • I sold my car… and we bought a condo.

  • I didn’t do as much camping as I would have liked, but I went to 7 National Parks, and at various times in 2018 came within 25 feet of: a grey wolf, a fox, an owl, about 30 bison, bighorn sheep, an 8-point buck, several marmots, and countless other animals. And a bear visited my campsite at Piney Lake. Oh, and I rode a camel into the Sahara Desert.

  • I joined the Board of Directors at the IACD, and was elected as Board Chair.

  • I continued to be active in state & local politics in Colorado.

  • I got my podcast on the Apple Podcast App.

  • I saw my 2 favorite bands live in Concert- at Red Rocks & the venue next door from where I live, and saw my best friend from high school play drums with his band Savoy in front of 10,000 people.

  • I spent my third year living in Colorado, and my second year living with my partner.

2019 New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Eat even less meat than in 2018, and less non eco-friendly nuts

  2. Record at least 2 podcasts per month

  3. Finish building

  4. Commit to regular intermittent fasting and cryotherapy