Cultivating Body

Exercise & Fitness

Movement is the song of the body
— Vanda Scaravelli

Here is the real secret in life- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now
— Alan Watts

This Week’s Intentions:

This Week I will...

  • Learn about physical fitness

  • Identify our optimal movement habits, including yoga, resistance training, aerobic activity and more

  • Contemplate & Meditate on and how and why our bodies crave optimal movement

The Goal: Re-establish our bodies innate self-awareness; and Cultivate Purpose through maximum enjoyment of biomechanical wellness

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Weekly Essay:

Hey everybody, AJ here with this week in Cultivating Purpose. This week we are diving into Purposeful Movement, also known as exercise, stretching, pilates, yoga, martial arts, or any other related physical activity.

This, along with last week's nutritional topics, are personal cornerstones for Cultivating Purpose. Without these two aspects in place, I am unable to Cultivate Purpose for myself or others.

So, this week is all about Cultivating Purpose through biomechanical wellness. Specifically, it's about each one of us identifying our optimal exercise and movement regimens, as well as working to expand our exercise and movement regimens to maximize our fitness and our ability to Cultivate Purpose for ourselves and others.

When thinking about Purposeful Movement, I like to think about early humans and other primates, and how their minds and bodies were built specifically for physical exertion. Running, jumping, crouching, lifting, and maintaining flexibility would have been supremely important to hunter gatherers. Since our anatomies have build complex reward systems to keep our bodies pursuing optimal health, these early humans must have felt incredibly alive and vibrant while physically exerting themselves.

When I am working out, I like to think I am tapping into the animal kingdom, and the ecosystem as a whole. I feel like it is my body's purpose to be in motion, and to overcome physical resistance. In a way, it resets my physical being to a more optimal, natural state. This in turn provides me with clearer thinking and clearer purpose in life.

The mind-body connection is also supremely important to Cultivating Purpose. Having our physical, emotional, and spiritual planes all working in harmony allows us to live our happiest, most meaningful lives. Having our whole existence on the same plane also allows us to properly understand the world, and how we can positively affect it. By establishing the mind-body connection, we can heal ourselves and heal the world.

Physical exercise is a great way to integrate the mind and body into a unified ecosystem. Below is a great link about learning from Arnold Schwarzennegger, and one of the things Arnold talks about is the mind body connection. Even though he had no formal anatomy training, Arnold correctly identified that if you consciously focus more on your resistance training activities, it will actually lead to more muscle growth. In other words, thinking about muscle growth while working out makes your body more able to grow those muscles!

Since your brain is an organ in your body, and that organ has control over the rest of the body, then it makes sense that we can potentially consciously control how our bodies work. I encourage all of you to be contemplative and mindful of your muscle growth and elasticity while you are exercising and stretching. 

When I am contemplative and mindful of my muscle growth, I notice many things. First, it helps me perfect my technique. I can 'listen' to my muscles, and find the optimal way for me to work those and complimentary muscle groups. Additionally, it makes me feel the strain and 'pushed-to-the-limit' aspect of my workout. It makes me feel super accomplished to pay attention to how my body is reacting to the resistance I place upon it.

I also like to think about all the healthy things I am doing to my body while exercising and stretching. Dr Rhonda Patrick has been monumental to my understanding of this subject; so if you are interested I suggest you learn more about her work. As she explains it, the norepinephrine and aceacetylcholine production during optimal exercise is just about the best thing possible for your body and mind. And the overall hormetic responses your body undergoes are incredibly life-affirming.  When I think about these things while I'm exercising and stretching, I am invigorated and energized to keep at it and push harder. I highly encourage all of you to try the same.

Check out more resources and action items for the week below.


Recommended Reading & Viewing Links:


Join our newsletter - Like on Facebook - Follow on Twitter - Did you know that exercise can literally make you smarter? Dr. Rhonda Patrick continues her speech on gene expression with discussions on meditation, nutrition, and how exeecise stimulates growth and activity in the brain.


Action Items for Exercise & Fitness:

  • Find optimal movements

  • Establish a "Purposeful Movement" routine

  • Understand the relationship between Purposeful Movement, Feeding Your Purpose, and being able to Cultivate Purpose personally while being more able to help others Cultivate Purpose for themselves.